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Ben’s First Six Months at DTE Corporate Finance

3 February 2023
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Ben Fallows has been an excellent addition to our team. He has really impressed everyone in his first six months and will be a huge asset to DTE Corporate Finance going forward. We talked with Ben to find out how his transition into corporate finance has been so far. Here’s how he answered:

How have you found working in the corporate finance team?

I have enjoyed my time here since I started in August. My team has been extremely supportive and I have learnt a lot from them.

What do you like most about your position?

I enjoy working on different types of transactions, both due diligence and lead advisory. There is a large variety of work and areas to focus on. I have also found it interesting working with the team through different stages of a transaction.

Which type of work have you found most interesting?

Initially, most of my work was focused on due diligence. However, I have recently helped with some lead advisory work. I have found both very informative, and I have now seen first-hand the different types of skills needed for each. Every deal I have worked on has been in a different sector which provides variety in the areas I have been focusing on.

In terms of your career, what are you most looking forward to in 2023?

There are many things that I’m looking forward to this year. One of them is to continue working alongside the team. There are a number of deals in the pipeline, so I am excited to start contributing towards them once they get started.

I am also looking forward to working more closely with Jon Else, who has recently joined as a director, growing our lead advisory services.

How will the next six months look?

I am currently working on a couple of early stage lead advisory assignments and will work through these until the deal is completed. There are also several due diligence assignments approaching that I will get involved with. I look forward to taking on a bigger role in the team and contributing more to future projects.

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